Ecology Services
From initial surveys to multi-faceted mitigation projects, specialising in great crested newt mitigation schemes and wetland conservation projects.
We are also experienced in the habitat management and conservation of other protected species such as water voles, bats and badgers. Over our 20 years of experience, we have worked in close partnership with some of the leading national ecology companies on sites in England and Wales.
We can offer the following services:
- Amphibian surveys
- Reptile surveys
- Wildlife protection fencing: Great Crested Newt, Water Vole and Badger
- Hibernacula
- Pond excavation and planting
- Tree planting
- Peat bog conservation and management
- Wetland creation and management
- Mossland conservation

Get in Touch
Send us a message using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.